Monday, November 5, 2007

An Open letter to Riverbend

Dear Riverbend,
I am taken back by your blogs. Living in the United States you hear about these bombings and raids but to tell you the truth I never really sit down and think about how awful it is. Hearing you talk and explain in detail what is going on makes me feel useless and horrible. I was shocked when you told us in your blogs that women were 50% of the working class and that they received same pay. In the United States women don’t even receive same pay with some jobs. I can’t believe your job was taken from you after the raids and I couldn’t imagine having to walk out on the streets always having a body guard by my side. I feel awful for the poor innocent families and children that are getting killed during these bombs and raids. I have nothing to complain about your writing because everything you say makes total sense. If I were you I would show no compassion for the troops that are killing my people. You talk about how you feel bad that it’s so hot and that they are getting yelled at. You live your life in fear every day. I don’t understand how the US troops invaded a school and killed children and I think its weird how I never heard of that happening. I like reading your blogs because it shows me the true war. I get more information from reading what you write in your blogs rather than watching the news. I cannot imagine being in your place and having to live with the fear that you do.

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